So what is BRANDING, and why should your organization even care about it…
Branding is very important! Branding is very important! Branding is very important! Branding can assist your organization grow, and grow. Branding is more than just having a logo and nametag placed on every form of communication and social media. We have discussed previously how branding can assist your organization will gaining some more leads or conversions. So what is branding?
Your organization’s logo should be carefully planned out and created by a professional. While we understand a logo might not be a part of your organization’s digital marketing budget, it should be. Hire a professional, and allow the professional to present custom logos to grow your organization and business. Remember your organization’s logo is not for you or your organization, it is for your leads and potential customers.
All your organization’s digital platform pages are important to increasing Brand Credibility. Your organization’s digital platform branding should be presented on the About, contact, blog, and Service pages. Never leave an opportunity to showcase your organization’s brand. We have mentioned your organization’s digital platform’s contact page. The contact page is very important.
Drive home your organization’s brand with content, content, and more content. If your organization wants to grow its brand, then your organization is going to have to put out content. Content that is important to your target audience. Content that your target audience is looking for and content that will make your organization a leading authority. The ultimate goal of content is to place your organization as a leader and reliable resource. We have told many organizations that daily social media posts do not make your brand grow. What makes your organization grow is placing relevant content and information that is important to your target audience.
Social Media
Outside of your organization’s digital platform blogging section, social media should be a major focus area. Your organization needs to have a social media marketing strategy. This strategy should consist of what social media platforms are your target audience on, and not just logging into…but your target audience visits these platforms daily.
Branding is the difference between your organization being a leading authority or just another organization. We assist organizations with branding and marketing, and if your organization needs some assistance, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Emile Perron.
JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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