Landing Page – New Design Element


In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing.  Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly.  We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.


In 2020, many new and sometimes old design elements creeper back into our design process.  Landing page was one of them.  We remember creating landing pages for upcoming launches.  Those coming soon and count down pages, and if the client was not ready…the continuous changing of count downs.  A true nightmare.  We landing pages are more than just coming soon pages.  They exist with a couple of important elements…visual simplicity, eye catching, sharp beautiful media, testimonials and call to actions.

Visual Simplicity

Since most of these landing pages are really simply, then we are able to place a visual simplicity image.  Some text on the left side with a dark background and an emotional image on the right.  Mother holding a baby (image) on the left, and a call to action statement with button on the right.  An info graphic image on the right, and text to describe a current issue on the left.  There are an unlimited amount of ways to create a visual simplicity landing page.

Eye Catching

You can have a provocative statement on the left, and a call to action button on the right.  Maybe an emotional image and below the image an emotional plea with a call to action button.  An interesting stats on the left, and a call to action button on the right.  A count down for clearance items on the left, and button on the right to gain entry to the store page (Black Friday is still in my head).  Many many ways to create something eye catching…

Sharp Beautiful Media

Place some text on the left, and have a video (short and not playing) on the right.  Display an audio link on the right, and some text on the left.  Make a call to action text and button on the left, and a video and audio link on the right.  Because media is responsible (view able in all devices), you can create some outstanding landing pages.


Testimonials with real people on the left, and call to action with buttons on the right.  Creating a buzz for a new product, could mean having visitors tell why your service or product is such a great deal.  Visitors love to engaged with someone going through a similar problem or issues.   Let your testimonials  be actual people, do not hire actors.  Nothing like a fake person, trying to play on your feelings with regards to a real life problems or issues.  Does not work and stay a way from that by all means.

Call To Actions

All of these features and functions are just difference call to actions features.  We create a post about Call To Action a few weeks ago.  We even explained how to use Call To Action.  Just remember to always measure your call to action elements with some A/B Testing.   Because A/B Testing can boost your engagements, which is very important.  Again you want to be engaging with your visitors (target audience) and Call to Actions is a simple way to create this behavior.

Image courtesy of Goran Ivos.


JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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