Is Digital Marketing important to my business?
What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is a process of adopting online marketing tools and techniques as a part of your business marketing strategy. We recommend using a digital marketing strategy to improve your business because the world does not consist of your neighborhood. Your organization’s target audience is expansive and your organization’s digital marketing strategy is key to placing information into many and not a few hands.
What are some elements of digital marketing? Before we get to that, some reasons or tips for digital marketing were previously discussed in our blog post. We also provide some tips on digital marketing strategies. We recommend a digital marketing strategy to all our clients. Some elements include the following:
Data Management System
We create most of our websites on WordPress. This is the CMR and allows our clients to keep their data on the backend. But there are some other examples of Data Management Systems, which include Salesforce, Nutshell, and Hubspot.
Mobile Friendly Digital Platform
Most visitors use their cell phones or mobile tablets when surfing the internet. Your organization’s digital platform should be mobile-friendly. A major element of your organization’s digital marketing should consist of allowing visitors to understand what your organization is trying to accomplish. This mission can not be reached without a mobile-friendly digital platform.
Email Newsletter
We recommend that all our clients employ an email newsletter. The email newsletter should include a call-to-action, email capture, and the ability to sequence emails. Your organization should have an email marketing strategy. This is the easiest way to reach out to potential customers, but this marketing strategy is not a sprint, but a marathon.
Social Media
Social media marketing is more than setting up business accounts on social media platforms. Your organization needs to know where your target audience is, and this is a great way to communicate with them on a regular basis. Your organization should have plan posts, and they need to be consistent. If your organization is going to post weekly, then pick a day and time and make sure your organization posts at that time. Your organization’s content should be relevant to your organization’s target audience.
Paid Digital Ads and SEO
Your organization should have an SEM and SEO Marketing strategy. We recommend employing a marketing strategy using both paid and organic traffic to your organization’s digital platform. Make sure your organization has a plan in place, once traffic comes to your organization’s digital platform. What does your organization want the traffic to do? Figure out what your organization’s goals are, and your organization will grow.
If your organization needs assistance with marketing, then we are available and can be reached by clicking here. The image is courtesy of Lukas Blazek.
JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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