Our Blog

2017 Merry Christmas from JDS WebDesign

Merry Christmas As we open presents, drink eggnog, laugh and enjoy our families and friends, please take a moment to think about your neighbor who might be lonely or without the resources to buy anything.  Remember the truly meaning of Christmas and who it...

2017 Goals | Lifestyle of Web Designer

2017 Goals | Lifestyle of Web Designer

If you follow my blog, then you know that I'm a goal driven individual. I write down goals on a weekly basis (on Monday ... with white index cards) and daily (using color index cards).  These goals help me stay focus on the task.  This was a very odd year for me. ...

WordCamp US 2017 Review | Lifestyle of Web Designer

WordCamp US 2017 Review | Lifestyle of Web Designer

It has been too long.  I am finally back to working full time! WordCamp US 2017 was amazing.  It was held in Nashville, the first weekend in December.  I have had the pleasure of attending the first two in Philadelphia. I have had a chance to read several of my...

Damage Control | Lifestyle of Web Designer

Damage Control | Lifestyle of Web Designer

What is damage control for a free lance web designer? About seven (7) months ago, I woke up with some sharp pain in my lower back.  I went to my chiropractor and received some treatment.  My chiropractor worked on my mid and lower back for about ten (10) minutes and...

Newest Project – Looks4Cooks

Newest Project – Looks4Cooks

Looks4Cooks Looks4Cooks a foodie and dating website.  It is the ultimate hip website, which combines the love of food (whether you are a cook or just like to visit restaurants) and meeting new people (something I use to call dating). This was an...

Why I love WordCamp | Lifestyle of Web Designer

Why I love WordCamp | Lifestyle of Web Designer

I love WordCamp !!! Just drove eleven (11) hours from Atlanta to Pittsburgh for WordCamp Pittsburgh 2018, and had a ball.  Having to meet a twitter friend, Deborah Edwards-Onoro .  Deborah and I have been twitter friends for a couple of years (really not sure how we...

I needed a break | Lifestyle of a Web Designer

I needed a break | Lifestyle of a Web Designer

I needed a break I had way too many projects going on at the same time.  All were my fault, I had moved away from my design process. Trying to keep the clients happy, I had allowed them to move away from my design process.  In my defense, all the projects look...

Happy Independence Day (July 4th)

"May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right." – Peter Marshall

WordCamp Presentation | Lifestyle of a web designer

WordCamp Presentation | Lifestyle of a web designer

A few months ago, I was given the honor to speak at WordCamp Asheville.  I had spoken (presented) at WordCamp Atlanta, so I did not feel like it was going to be a huge deal.  Having worked several weeks on my speech, I was prepared.   This was my second time at...

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