5 Ways to Boost Conversions
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
What is a conversion, with regards to your WordPress web site? Conversion is the technique to get your visitors engaging on your site. Whether you want to generate sales, read blog post, subscribe to your email list, or check out your calendar of events…your web site should have some call to action.
Interesting enough with most re-design, the prospective client did not answer (or was not asked) the questions of what do you want your target audience to do? What kind of engagement are your tying to accomplish? There are many ways to boost conversions, we will discuss 5 basic ones. A/B Testing, Social Media, Testimonials, Reviews, and Case Studies.
A/B Testing
A few months ago, we posted an article on A/B Testing. The measurement of specific area on your web site to make sure your target audience is engaging is critical. If you can not measure your call to action, then how will you know if it is boosting conversion.
Social Media
One of the basic techniques of Marketing and Branding is create a following using Social Media platforms. Begin with business facebook, twitter, instragram, and/or linkedin page, If you have been following our blog post, then we create a post on how to be effective with social media.
Social media platforms are free to set up. These platforms allow you to follow industry experts and influencer. Some have become influencers by just staying active on social media platforms. What a easy way to create conversion on your web site? Creating a buzz … to get your target audience to engage on your web site.
Because testimonials have become an after thought on web site, most do not create this section or page. We are guilty of this. When we discuss testimonials, we are not referring to your web site. There are many testimonial sites, such as google, and linkedin.
Do you ask for referrals? Most do not…you can boost conversions by asking for referrals. Testimonial sites are making a come back, as because of unfamiliarity … many consumer are looking for testimonials from existing clients.
Reviews and testimonials can sometimes be blurred. Testimonial is about your service. Review centers around the work performed. Bad reviews are not deal breakers. The explanation of what happen…and not placing blame can make a bad review a calling call for a potential client to visit your web site. Boost conversion.
It is okay to seek reviews and ask clients to write up a review. However, we would not recommend review that are incentive based. (We will cut our price by 20%, if you submit a review for us…what if it is a bad review???).
Case Studies
A simple, but time consuming feature. Case Review. Outline your client’s problem. What was used to create a solution? Did the solution work? What is the your client’s current situation? Case studies can be difficult to write and very time consuming. Most web sites do not have case studies. But case studies done correctly can create engagement on your site…especially if your in the problem solving industries.
Image courtesy of Frankie Cordoba.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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