What are 4 signs that you need a new website?
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
About a month ago, we was approached to assist a church organization. Their website had been designed about three years ago. The website had several major issues. The site was not responsive. The site loaded very slow. It was very difficult to update. The client did not have any conversion information.
A responsive website is view able on all devices, and it looks the same on all devices. Visitors will pull websites on their phones, tablets, and computers. It is critical to make sure that your website functions on all devices. Functions is the minimum expectation, your site should be consistent on all devices.
Why is this important? Your brand. You do not want to confuse a visitors. When someone comes to your website, regardless of devices, you want them to know it is your organization. Google and other search engines are not penalizing your ranking for not being responsive, but they are not rewarding you either. So it is important from a visitor and ranking standing.
Page loading issues can be the result of many issues. Many huge images. Poor CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) and Javascript coding. Too many plugins. Hosting issues. We have a blog post on how to fix a slow loading site.
Slow loading sites will not hurt your Google and search engine rankings, but they will not reward you either. Slow ranking sites play a role in the users experience. Visitors waiting for a site to upload, or moving from page to page.
Update Issues
Because the site was hand coded, in order to update the site, one had to pull the site off the server and manually make changes. This was a very labor intensive and was the reason why the developer charge a lot to make simple changes.
We introduce the content management system called WordPress to the client. A short tutorial about how to make updates and changes. Provide the information that WordPress makes up over 35% of all websites. But also told them about the importance of security and update issues … and how these could compromise their website.
Being that we focus on search engine optimization and conversion, the lack of information about how many conversion (visitors are coming to your site). Many prospective clients do not realize the importance of conversion numbers. How folks are coming to your site? How many folks are on your site? How long are they on your site? Where they are going? Is their behavior the expected results?
Many projects do not warrant a redesign. Some do, and in this case, the client needed to redesign their site. We love to do an assessment of your current website, and to provide good information about what is wrong and right with your site. All our assessments are driven by your expectations and reasons why those expectations are not being accomplished.
Image courtesy of Adomas Aleno.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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