Website Performance – 1st Step to SEO Dominance
We are often asked how to improve someone’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Before your organization does keyword research, look at paid advertisements from a social media platform, or even hire a professional to gain your organization some traction. Your organization needs to review your website’s performance. Performance is essential on a CPU, as well as, other devices. We discussed this in our responsive performance blog post. There are some foundation and structure items, which need to be up to par before your organization’s website organic traffic can be analyzed.
What areas do we review, when we are looking at website performance? We review uptime, TTFB, page load time, and bounce rate. There are other areas, but these are generally the ones that we will review.
Uptime is not just the time that your website is up and available. If your site is not up, then that downtime does not play well with Google or a potential lead from Google or any of the other search engines. But uptime is not just about availability. Uptime also measures if your site is accessible. Accessibility is not just the right thing to do, but it also is the lawful thing to do. Did you realize that close to 25% of internet users, relieve on your website is accessible? Your organization’s website needs to be up, available, and accessible.
Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures the responsiveness of your computer. Specifically, it measures the time it takes for your browser to request a page and when it receives the first byte of data. If your organization does not know your organization’s website TTFB, then your organization can get this information at Pingdom. Your organization’s SSL and website hosting play a huge role in your TTFB score.
Page Load Time
Page load time measures the amount of time it takes for your website to load, including images and any script or coding language. Typically slow loading websites have poor hosting or content delivery network (CDN). If your organization’s website hosting company does not offer CDN, then your organization might want to look for another solution.
Bounce Rate
Bounce rate is where a visitor leaves your website within a specific time, generally around 3 seconds. Industry experts believe that over 30% of bounce rate issues are due to poor page load speed, poor design, or confusing landing pages. We did a post about how to improve the bounce rate on your website. Bounce rate is not something that your organization should review and then make decisions. Think about what your organization wants visitors to do, click on a donation link, subscribe to a newsletter, click on the page about your services, and make sure that your message on the home or landing page is assisting your visitors to the desired behavior.
If your organization needs some assistance with its digital platform, then feel free to contact us at or 678-718-5489. We offer custom web design, mobile application creation, Search Engine Optimation, accessibility development, marketing strategy, website support, and maintenance.
Image courtesy of Mimi Thian.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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