How to Use Social Media for Virtual Marketing?

We have been speaking highly of using social media to grow your organization’s digital platform marketing.  Recently, we had someone ask us about how can their organization use social media for virtual marketing.  Your organization is going to have to find out where your target audience exists, or which social media platform to invest in and post on. Facebook, Twitter (or X), Linkedin, Instagram, and/or TikTok.  Your organization is going to have to do a little leg work or hire someone who can tell you where your target audience uses social media. Some techniques that we use:


Create captivating headlines. Write about what your target audience is struggling with, or a solution to a pain point. Introduce your organization and why your organization is different from your competitors. Make the headline short and direct. Do not overthink your headlines.


The number one reason for your post is to connect with your target audience. Why your organization’s headline should provide the foundation for the connection, it is always important to remember that the ultimate goal is to connect. Once your organization has connected with your target audience, then converting them into a conversion is a lot simpler.


Tailoring your message to your target audience’s pain point. Your organization’s message should be short and direct. Your organization’s message should not leave any doubt about what your organization can do, and how your organization can accomplish your message.


Create urgency.  We recommend many campaigns with a sense of urgency.  Your organization should have a sense of urgency.  Each campaign should have a start and finish time. Your organization can always create duplicate campaigns but try to have at least a year in between campaigns.

Call to actions

We have several blog posts on Call to Action.  Your organization can find out more about Call to Action in some of our previous posts. We even wrote about elements of a Call to Action, so make sure your organization’s social media posts have a call to action.

Responding Time

Make sure your organization has a policy about response time.  We recommend that all posts should be responded to within one business day, preferably the same day. Sometimes that is the difference between adding a lead to a client, is your organization’s availability.


Posting at the right time. Your organization needs to set up an analytic report and post it in the morning, afternoon, and evening.  Check your organization’s social media to see which post is getting the most traction. We would recommend that your organization continue to post all the time, but make sure all your popular posts are occurring during the times in which your organization is getting a lot of traction.

Engaging and Interactive

Your organization’s content should be engaging and interactive. Use polls, quizzes, and open-ended questions. Stay away from controversial statements or posts, while they will provide your organization a boost in the short term.  Most of the time, negative posts will not grow your organization.


If your organization needs help with marketing strategy, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Amy Hirschi.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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