In the midst of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing their hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in their elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business-friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
Your creative life will present several challenges. Having many interesting stories, it is a wonder that we have stayed around as long as I have (15 years and counting). Last week was no exception.
While hanging out at one of my favorite waterhole (coffee shops), when my phone ranged. It was a client, who was complaining that their website was down. They had opted not to become join my support plan, so I was not hosting their website. Also, they owed me for some services rendered (will get to that later). Quickly reviewing their website, I informed my client of my rates. $100 an hour, minimum of two hours plus the outstanding amount owed to me. “That’s more than my pay grade, I will let our CEO know”. .. dial tone greeted my ear.
Some backdrop information about this situation. This client came to me as a referral. The marketing vice president called me and advised they needed to re-design their site. It needed to be completed within 30 days. I had a couple of projects on my plate, but since it was a client referral took the project.
Started with my design process
PLAN!!! They sent questionnaires, created a scope, and asked if the marketing vice president had the authority to make a design decision. Sent an email to the company CEO. Created a timeline for myself and the client. The content was needed within 10 days.
DESIGN!!! Created intellectual architecture (navigational system and site map). Follow up on content.
BUILD!!! Created demo site. Designed all the pages and sent them to the marketing vice president. Was advised that it would be presented to the executive board for final revisions.
Curve ball came next
The marketing vice president did not have as much control as advised. The CEO and Operational Vice President requested several scope changes. Pointed out that scope changes mean additional cost, the CEO advised funds were limited. Advised CEO that no additional cost would be forward (mistake on my part), but hard-line deadline would have to be moved, at least two weeks. CEO agreed. Send an email to the board about the new agreement.
Rebuild the demo site. Sent it to the board. Everyone loved it.
TEST!!! Checked all the links and sent the balance to the client.
LAUNCH!!! Received balance and moved demo to client’s portal (URL).
Received a call from the Human Resource Manager, who wanted to have the ability to add new opportunities via form (custom post). Not a problem, but it would cost $500 to add this to the site. CEO email me that would be okay. Advise it would take about 2 days.
Put a custom post on the site. Sent the marketing vice president a PayPal invoice. A week went by… no payment. Remember, that this client had always sent me checks. Generated invoice and mailed it out. A week went by… no payment. Called the marketing vice president, and left a message about the invoice. No return call… a couple of days later called the client again and left a message. Again no return call…decided to disable the custom post, and my access was deleted. Chalked it up to a mistake on my part…LESSON LEARNED.
Back to the issue
Received a call from the CEO at lunchtime, he was screaming that the custom post was a trail off for missing the deadline. They threaten to sue me if the site was not corrected within 2 days. I reached out to my attorney. Long story short…after a couple of emails and calls from each attorney, I did make the corrections and was paid for the custom post.
Never a dull day…
Image Courtesy of Quincy Alivio.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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