How to “Increasing Blog Conversion 101”?
Your organization has been blogging for close to a year, and your organization is not converting as much as your organization had imagined. How can your organization’s digital platform increase blog conversion? We would recommend that your organization take heed of what is the proper conversion rate. What is the goal of your organization’s digital platform? Are your organization looking to increase the number of visitors? Are your organization attempting to sell a product or service? This deep dive is very important to analyze your organization’s digital platform performance.
We would recommend that these areas be addressed at the beginning of your organization’s digital platform creation. A blog post is a great way to increase visibility and increase your organization’s digital platform search engine ranking. Ways to increase your conversion?
Increase the number of blog posts on your front page. Most digital platforms will showcase the latest four blog posts, we would recommend that your organization increase that number to around 10. Depending on how your organization’s blog posts are displayed. If they are displayed in single columns, then we would recommend ten blog posts. If they are displayed in two columns, then we would recommend ten blog posts. If they are displayed in three columns, then we would recommend nine blog posts. If they are displayed in four columns, then we would recommend eight blog posts. If they are displayed in five columns, then we would recommend ten blog posts. If your organization’s digital platform is displayed on more than five columns, then we would recommend the number of columns. Remember this could affect your organization’s digital platform page load speed. If your organization is not familiar with page load speed, then we would recommend your organization review our blog post on website performance.
Your organization’s digital platform should have a call to action (CTA). The CTA should be the first indicator of why your visitors are coming to your organization’s digital platform. Whether to get information about your organization, the products or services offered by your organization, or both. Your organization’s digital platform should have a prominent CTA. It should be above the fold, which is before anyone scrolls down on your organization’s digital platform. Using a pop-up is not a bad idea. Pop-ups work and convert as well as non-pop-ups.
Social Sharing
Social media sharing is another free way to get your organization’s blog posts out to others. We always recommend your organization’s digital platform share your blog posts. If your organization is not promoting your organization’s blog posts, then why does your organization feel like others will? If your organization is not sure what social sharing is, then check out our blog post on social sharing. Before your organization can share blog posts, then your organization will need to create some social media accounts.
If your organization is struggling with your Marketing Strategy, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Brook Cagle.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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