How to build your email marketing subscribers list?

Email Marketing, next to social media marketing, is the most efficient way to grow your organization’s digital platform. Email marketing is not an easy way to grow your organization’s digital platform. This might sound a little controversial, but we offer the truth with regard to marketing. Marketing is not easy. Your organization will need to invest time and energy and view the results to make sure your organization’s digital platform is working correctly.

Email Marketing was explained in a previous blog. We are not going to repeat content, and just to how to grow or build your email marketing list.

Lead Magnet

We discussed what a lead magnet is in a previous blog post (we would recommend subscribing to our email subscriber list, so you will not miss anything).  A lead magnet is a tool that marketers use to collect a person or lead contact information.  They take a ton of time to put together.  Some lead magnets are super in-depth.  Lead magnets should grow your email list.

A lead magnet encourages visitors or your target audience to provide their contact information in exchange for a high-quality resource.  Some will provide blog postings at an earlier time frame or more length blog posts. A lead magnet may be an ebook, template, or white paper.  It is usually some type of downloadable asset, but it may also be a coupon code or value-based asset (longer blog post or earlier timeframe post). Some other types of lead magnets are webinars, videos, case studies, success stories, and podcast stories.


We have mentioned the importance of blogging, and how it can help grow your organization’s digital platform. This growth is not just from a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy but also will allow your organization to position itself as an industry authority. Blog about pain points from your target audience.  Make a short and easy-to-follow blog post on how to find a solution to a pain point.

The biggest downside of beginning a blog post or section on your organization’s digital platform is consistency. Your organization’s digital platform needs to post on a regular basis, the best part of that is your organization defines what is on a regular basis. Daily. Weekly. Bi-Weekly. Monthly. Bi-Monthly. Quarterly. Bi-Annually. Annually. We recommend bi-weekly but monthly has worked for several of our clients. Anything more than monthly will create the feeling of a dead or non-functioning organization. Something that your organization does not want to happen.

Donation Forms

While “anonymous” selection should be allowed on all donation forms if your organization’s digital platform can save donors’ emails.  Then make sure your organization’s digital platform can create an email capture and sequence. Create an email journey, that not only thanks your donors, but also tells them how their donation has helped someone. Make the journey an emotionally felt storytelling, and feel free to reach out to the donors again. We would recommend reaching out now more than twice a year .


If your organization is struggling with its marketing, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of John Schnobrich.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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