Generation Z: Why they are so important to your brand?


In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing.  Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly.  We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.

One of our first conversations with a new perspective is how does your brand or mission affect generation z.  Generally, we are met with a puzzle or shrug of the shoulders.  So who is generation z?  They are the phone, mobile device, and gamer kids.  Most are born between mid-1990s and early 2010s.  They are around the age of 12 – 27.  Most have no use for a watch, they have a phone.  Most can not tell you what a “quarter till ten” is…by the way it is 9:45.  But this generation has made a living of purchasing, learning and helping grow our online community.  This is the generation, which we look for to help us with new technology. Millennials were actually the first global generation, but Generation Z is the first generation to have always had the world at their fingertips.

Value, Quality, and Realness

Generation Z loves a good value, quality and realness.  Think about the huge companies in today’s world, such as Amazon.  They are targeting products to generation z.  They are providing good value, with good quality and at a good price.  This realness has made generation z a truly loyal customer.  Your mission should have something about value, quality, realness and how it can be of benefit to generation z.


Somewhere fun became a bad word for most of us, but generation z loves to be entertained.  Some feel like this generation look forward to fun, instead of work.  This is not true.  This generation works in a different manner, but they work.  Generation Z is not a fan of working and not having fun.  They are starving for the latest news flash, and they want to know what is happening in the world at any given moment. Social media is a go-to platform.  They make many organization and individual, local celebrities by breaking the latest news.

Mobile Application

If you do not have a mobile application, then you are missing out on how to communicate with generation z. They do not mind push notifications, reminders, and general information.  Remember this is the generation that wants to have news at its fingertips.

If you are in need of a web product, then note to contact us at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Mika Baumeister.


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