What are the Four (4) Top Common Mistakes on Donation Forms?
We work with a lot of non-profit and faith-based organizations. Generally, we are asked about the lack of production for donation solutions. We will not focus this post on how to get visitors, or potential donors to your website. We will look at why potential donors are not clicking on your donation form. We always encourage, or better yet, recommend all websites have analytics. This is the process in which a report of all the visitors, who come to your website. Your organization will know how many visitors come to your site, and what occurs once they are on your website.
Lacking Storytelling
When your donation form content is very vague and not asking for your goal. Yes, your campaign needs to have a goal and objective. This goal should be written in a storytelling manner to appeal to the emotions of the visitors. The content should not be vague or hard to understand the goals and missions of the campaign. Storytelling allows your organization to humanize the campaign, and show how your campaign is going to make a difference in someone’s life.
Hard to find the form
Your website donation form should be above the fold and the first thing that is present on your organization’s webpage. Too many donation solutions have, a “donation here” button, which takes the potential donor to another page and then asks for way too much information before the potential donor can make a donation. This is very similar to a grocery store having you put your food on one convertor belt, then having you go to another area to pay for your groceries, and finally go to another area to get your groceries. Do not bury your form. Do not have too many forms. Your organization’s webpage should have only one form. If you are offering multi-level donations, then use radio buttons.
If your website is not responsive, then your organization is missing over 50% of the internet users. That is the number of visitors, who surf the internet on their mobile or tablet devices. Your organization’s website should also be accessible. There are close to 60% of internet surfers, have accessibility concerns. Accessibility is not just displayed concerns (color blind or seeing issues), it also could center so much more including but not limited to Visual Impairment, Motor Challenges, Cognitive Disabilities, and Epilepsy.
Confusing Request
Your organization’s campaign should be very clear and consistent. Asking for unrelated information will confuse your potential donor. We once review a donation solution, which was asking for location information. This information was needed to verify the credit card owners, but the information was in the member’s information section. Once you got to the credit card section, the process had you fill out about three other sections. It was super confusing. Your donation form should be very clear and concise. Your organization is looking to promote a campaign, and not promote a confusing request for money.
We work on helping non-profit and faith-based organizations with web design, mobile application, web accessibility, direct marketing, and search engine optimization solutions, you can reach us at info@jdswebdedsign.biz or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Tamara Govedarov.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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