Do it all faster and better


In the midst of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing their hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in their elbow, and practicing social distancing.  Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business-friendly.  We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.


We all like to have a fast and better Friday, but mine this past November was far from that! Let’s take an inside look at a lifestyle of a web agency.

Early start

7:00 am Started my day, with a cup of coffee and checking emails.  Several urgent emails and one of my clients was having a site issue.  Went to ManageWP and went back to Friday, on backup, and restore the site. Took me about five minutes, it appears to be a bad plugin.  Running some tests will advise my client in a couple of days. Emailed the client that the site was back up and running.  Sending an invoice to the client, and will wait for payment.  Had several other dailies (but should be considered urgent requests) emails, and knocked them out.  Now time for my second cup of coffee.

8:45 am Worked on a project.  The launch is set for November 1st. Updated a few pages, and worked on a couple of customized modules. Prepared me for a meeting later today, as the launch is getting close.  Needed keywords and some images. Emailed the client, and received images and content. Began plugging away at the project.  Not really satisfied, need a wow factor…hopefully it will hit me later.

Communication issues

11:45 am Received an email from a former client.  Wanted to know why the site was down and was advised no payment was received. The claimed payment was sent a couple of months ago. Needed some verification or proof.  Contact Stripe and Paypal about August – October payments.  Both did not see any payments. No email confirmation.  Called the client and was placed on hold for 30 minutes. Just hung up as need to clear out the email task.

Late Lunch

Headed out for lunch with my daughter.  Forgot she had a doctor’s appointment.  The traffic was crazy.  Driving like a manic, but made it on time.  Forgot an important meeting at 1:30 pm today.  Need to push the meeting back about 10 minutes.  Email clients and advised them about the double appointments.

Important Meeting

Spoke to my client at about 1:45 pm. Went over all areas that need to be worked on. Really great meeting you. The client had some concerns about hitting the launch date, remember them about out relationship.  Feeling confident that we will hit the launch date. Will put in some overtime on this project.

Regular task

3:00 pm Update sermon on Faith-Based Organization client. Received bulletin and added some important upcoming events.  Will send the client a new redesign template later this week, or maybe early next week.  It is time.

Loaded a couple of blog posts for an inspirational clients.  Added quote of the week. Did some Search Engine Optimization work on the site.

Lastly uploaded a bulletin for Faith-Based Organization clients.  Add a couple of events on Facebook.

Contact the developer to get the status of the Buddypress client.  Customization is needed. Got the status and need to work on the potential app. Not nap, so I am very tired.  Logged off and began cooking dinner for the kids. I will be back on this computer later…got a lot of unfinished projects.

Image courtesy of Andrew Neel.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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