Email Capture Marketing
Why is emailing capture marketing so important? This is the number one marketing strategy for our agency. It is very simple why it is so important. It is personal. Once your organization captures someone’s email, then your organization should forward personal emails. Include their name and news about your organization. Target your audience. Make sure your organization is capturing emails from individuals interested in your organization’s missions and values. Users can be segmented. Your organization’s email capture can divide users into different categories and tag them appropriately. The mailing list is your organization. Your organization owns the mailing list and can promote events, services, or products at any time. Some marketers call this low-hanging. fruit, as a test to see if a product, service, or event can drum up any support. Analytics. Your organization can view the number of emails open and decide if too many emails are being sent. Your organization can view and review the data and make changes when necessary. A/B Testing. We have discussed A/B Testing. Your organization can review some of our postings on A/B Testing. These are just a few reasons, why we use email capture marketing.
What should be included in your organization’s email capture to ensure your organization will secure potential leads’ emails? Case Studies. Ebooks. Freebies. Discount vouchers. How to guide. Webinars. Trial memberships. Limited product discounts.
Case studies
Case studies can be lonely pages. Not much traffic typically will come to your case studies pages. However, your organization can use case studies to showcase how your organization is exceeding its missions and values. Case studies make awesome newsletter information. Remember, your organization can have a newsletter with a link to case studies and this is a way to segment your email list.
Find out a pain point of your target audience. Create a simple ebook and offer it in exchange for your target audience email. Use this as a way to provide your expertise in your industry.
Everyone loves freebies. Send out a coupon for a cup of coffee in exchange for your lead’s email. Email bookmarks with your organization’s visions and missions. There are a million freebies ideals.
Discount vouchers/Limited Products Discounts
If your organization is selling products, then maybe offer a discount voucher in exchange for your potential lead’s email. Create a very important person (VIP) level for these potential leads and segment them appropriately.
How to Guides
Send out how-to guides. Some visitors are do-it-yourself people, but they still need guides to assist them in their adventures. Offer these guides in exchange for your lead’s email.
Offer free webinars to discuss how to solve pain points. One thing that we would advise to avoid is the hard sale at the end of the webinar. Also stay away from hero topics, such as we can show your organization how to do this or that. When this might a service that your organization is offering as a premium. This will upset most leads and could end your relationships. Bait and switch approach.
Trial Memberships
If your organization has a membership section, then offer a trial membership with all benefits for a limited time. Make sure your organization provides support on how to use your membership section and the benefits. Follow up with your lead and ask them questions about their experience. Make sure you take their constructive criticism and offer ways to improve your membership section.
If your organization needs some help with setting up an email capture, then we are available. We can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Nick Morrison.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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