What are some elements for a successful blog post?
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
We are asked frequently about what makes a blog post successful. Is it the length? Is it the tone? Is it the images? While all of these are important, the best answer is content. Content. Content. And finally content. Which is the problem? Many start-up clients struggle with creating blog post.
There are five steps to creating winning blog post.
- Step #1 – make a plan
- Step #2 – title matters
- Step #3 – use visual content
- Step #4 – polish optimization
- Step #5 – call to action
Make a Plan
We use the tree method with regards to blog post. Draw a tree. Add branches (which are relevant subjects to your blog post). Label the branches (categories of your blog post). Expand the branches (drilling down on the categories to topics and subjects).
Keep in mind your target audience, and tone. If your audience are customers, then write about content…which they feel is relevant. How your products/services can benefit them? Why they should want to use your products/services? How your products/services can improve their process or business? Develop a connectivity with your target audience.
Title Matter
Your title does matter. Stay away from fluff and click bait. While fluff and click bait, will give you an initial boost in number of visitors. Your website will suffer from a lack of return or recommend visitors. Everyone hates click bait! Create content that flows naturally. Most of our blog post content is created first, and the title is a easy fit. The title should be the wrapping on the cake…nothing more; nothing less.
Use Visual Content
People are visual creatures. Find images which connect with your target audience. Do not forget to provide tagline for your images, unless you own them! Use high definition images and info graphics. Make sure the images relate to your content.
There are several good royalty free websites, including Shutterstock, Image Source, Pixabay, and Upsplash (our favorite).
Polish Optimization
After you have created your blog post. Read! Read! and Read it again! Check for grammar errors. Check for punctuation errors. However, do not become too over sensitive. If an error is on your page, then simple correct the error and move on…long and short, is that means you have relevant content and a reader wanting to help you.
Look for keywords! Optimize your content. We recommend Yoast . We provide a short tutorial about Yoast over a year ago, and you can check out the Yoast Plugin.
Call to Action
Every blog post should have a call to action. Think about why you are writing blog post…gain more email captures (which could be potential customers), promoting your expertise (in your field), creating or foster a new community, encouraging conversations, and/or growing your business.
A call to action button is needed on all blog post.
Image is courtesy of Devin Avery.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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