Brand Marketing

Brand Marketing | Lifestyle of a web designer. I have noticed that many designers are becoming jacks of all trades.  They are designers, developers, search engine optimization experts, brand marketers, and support solutions experts. In the past, this was a warning sign.  No one could specialize in all these areas, but in today’s world, many agencies are hiring experts.  They will have a designer create the design, a developer make sure the site is functional, a search engine optimization expert will put in keywords, a brand marketer will work on getting the site exposure, and a support solutions expert will make sure the site stays up.

As a freelance designer, I have developers (which I use for functionality issues).  As a freelance designer, I have a search engine optimization expert (for keyword assistance and content).  As a freelance designer, I have a brand marketer (to make sure the site will receive max exposure). As a freelance designer, I have a solution partner (who can handle hosting, threat solutions, backup, and etc.).

If you have a new site, then you will need a branding strategy.  After your site is launched, I use the KLT (Know, Like, and Trust Campaign).  Getting you (or your product/services) known, getting prospective clients to like you (and/or your products/services), and getting prospective clients to trust you (and/or your products/services) to the level of opening their wallets.  So how do you get prospective clients to open up their wallets?

You will need to offer a solution

There are countless prospective clients looking for a solution.  Maybe it is a website, maybe it is customizing a plugin or feature, or maybe it is providing educational instruction.  The key is providing a solution and marketing your site to those looking for a solution.

Are you dependable

What makes you an expert? Maybe some local testimonies, blog posting about the solution, and speaking about how you can help a prospective client (with support).

How can I get help?

Does your site make it easy to become a client? What do you offer (is it clear)? What is your refund policy? What do your services include?

If you have not discussed these potential pitfalls with your designer, then maybe you need to look for another solution. We are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489.

Image courtesy of Cynthia del Rio.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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