You already have the answer
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
“You already have the answer.” was my response. A couple weeks ago, I was enjoying my favorite beverage at one of my favorite watering hole (coffee shop). I was approached by a young lady. She had saw me at one of our local WordPress MeetUps. She wanted to find the key to success. She had build several websites. I told her “You are a success!”. Many web designer would love to have the opportunity to work for several of your clients.
And more importantly, she should have the one thing that most newbies need. Capital. Make sure when you begin to build out website projects, that you also work on implementing some type of financial plan. Envelops. 50/30/20. Life Accounts. Something.
I did not understand her questions!
She pointed to my discussion several months ago, in which, I discuss residual income. She told me that she is strictly a designer. She created some great web sites. She had no relationship with any of her clients. She was strictly a designer.
Quickly advising her that unless she has a financial plan. She will not be a designer long. Building residual income, is the foundation to keeping your doors open. While new clients might not ring your bell on a weekly or monthly basis, existing clients still need hosting, security, marketing, domain registration, and (some) updates. Why would they not allow someone, who they trust to do this for them…and you can charge a fee for your time and talent.
I asked her the following questions.
- Do your clients need hosting?
- Are your client’s able to update their sites?
- Are your client’s focused on their web sites or business?
We discussed building relationships with clients. All web sites need some type of hosting. Why have several point people (or companies) to handle all your web site needs. The designer was not a one stop shop.
Now I was not advising her to create a hosting in her garage or bonus room. I was instructing her to secure a relationship with a hosting company. Leverage that relationship for all of her clients, she would have satisfied clients and a few nickels in her pockets.
If your site are going to be view able, then they will be hosted. Web designers are the true expert about hosting solutions. If you do not know, then I would recommend going to your local WordCamp ( I spoke on it at WordCamp Atlanta 2017 and 2018) or MeetUp. You should provide hosting for your clients. A little secret that I tell all my clients. Do you want to call one or many folks, if something should occur with your site? Most clients want to reach out to one person. Besides, you should select a standard hosting plan, back up, restore services, threat (monitoring hacking activities) plan, and emails. You need to include all the services in your plan.
Remember you are the expert
Most clients are not comfortable with updating their site. Fear of “messing up” their site, this should be a reason why you should offer update services. Updates can be handled by most premium hosting companies, or there are several support companies which offer this service. If you have a client with more needs such as search engine optimization, small task issues, up time monitoring, performance notification, then there are several companies that offer these services.
And you should get paid for your expertise. This revenue should be place into some type of account for good and bad times.
You can be the gatekeeper.
Beginning each month with some cash in the bank account is always better than hoping/wishing that you can secure a new project. Not to mention, your stress level will drop a degree or two.
I gave these examples to the young woman. I advised her to reach out all her clients. I will follow up with her in the near future. I gave her the goal of trying to convert 50% of her clients to residual ones.
We finished breakfast. She called me yesterday and left a message. She had reached her goal within a couple of months. She invited me to breakfast and offer to pay for my beverage (coffee) and breakfast sandwich. I will take her up on her offer and will advise her that “You already have the answer”.
Image courtesy of Craig Garner .

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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