Why Job Boards are not a good option for Start Up Websites?

In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing.  Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly.  We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.

The other day while meeting a prospective client, we were greeted with why the Start-ups currently website was not working. They had no idea about who was coming to their site…they did not know where visitors were coming from…not sure when the analytics was place on the site…

Stepping back, we went through out design process.  Directed them to fill out our questionnaire.  Asking why was a website important?  How did the website fit into the companies mission/goals? Quickly realizing that the current website did not match up with the client’s needs…we advised that a re-design would be our recommendation.  A design strategy plan was offer…no website.  No down payment. No launch date.  No sliders.  No testimonials.  No collecting content.  We needed to figure out the client’s pain point, outside of a non functioning website.

Well the previous web designer did not do this…probably the reason for the re-design.  Where did you connect with the prior designer?  Job Board!!!

*Job Boards can be great for some projects.  However, if you need more than a presence on the internet, then note to stay away from job boards.   The issues with job boards is communication (or lack of them), pain point, and psychology of the design process.

Communication Issues

Most job descriptions are very broad.  “Need a website for my auto detail company.  Site should be easy to navigate.  This should not be a difficult project for the right person.  Budget is $500.”

The writer of this proposal/job description might as well burn some cash in his/her grill.  The description is too vague. You can expect many web designer, with some great looking portfolio pages and equally impressive prices.  Depending on how clever their response is to the job board…generally will determine the selected web designer.  And of course the price point.. But really why do you need a website.  What is your pain point?

Pain Point

We mention pain point.  Pain point does not necessary have to deal with any uncomfortable feeling.  Why do you need a website?  Do you need an online presence?  Are you just presenting an address and your services/products for your clients?  Do you need more than an online presence…do you want prospective clients to schedule auto detail services?  Are you mobile service?  Can you be reached by phone, email, social media…or have you thought about GPS tracking system to allow your clients to know when you are in the area.  Does the website have connections to potential sales/.revenue?  Can potential employees send you applications on line?  Eliminate emails or (worst) faxed applications.

The pain point is really just a drilled down process to find out why you want/need a website.  Identify solutions to make sure you get a return on your investment (ROI).

Psychology process

Psychiatrist have pointed out the need to be wanted.  Most job boards will provide (depending on the job board) hundreds of responses.  This sense of designers wanting to create your vision is probably not in your best interest. Would you want to get a couple of responses, that know what you are looking for (pain points)…and the solutions to these pain points.  Ways to measure your pain points.

While job boards are the perfect solution for some projects…most start-up are not looking for on line presence.  There is some pain points, which need to be figured out.  Solutions to these pain points need to be mapped out.  Keep yourself from be a potential re-design candidate within 6 months…stay away from job boards, unless you only want an on line presence.

Image courtesy of Rawpixel.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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