Ways to keep Storytelling concise

We recommend using a storytelling method with regard to creating content. When we are creating content for our clients, we employ a storytelling method to get out information.  So what is the secret to creating storytelling content?  We have a few ideas to assist your organization’s digital platform content.


Planning out your organization’s digital platform content.  What are your organization’s target audience’s pain points?  How can your organization solve those pain points? What is your organization’s plan of attack, and how can that assist your organization’s target audience? Why is this element a pain point? Some of your organization’s leads might not be familiar with the pain point.


Begin with a great hook, something that will keep your target audience’s attention and make them want to continue to read your organization’s content. Your organization might need to do some research on hooks and which ones provide the most traction. We recommend doing some research, as it is worth the time and effort.

Actionable Words

Develop content that employs descriptive and actionable words.  Try to avoid long and complex descriptions and definitions. This concept will frustrate your organization’s digital platform visitors and is the easiest way to lose potential leads.  Use actionable words that make your organization’s target audience emotional.


Strive to have a conflict and tension in your organization’s digital platform’s content.  This is needed to keep your content interesting. Everyone loves conflict and tension.  The conflict can be the pain point and the tension could be how your target feels as they attempt to solve the issues.

Visual Elements

Create content with short-form, charts, images, polls, and quizzes.  Take advantage of having engaging and interesting content.  This is a super way to keep your target audience engaged in your organization’s digital platform’s content.


Make a direct ask!  This ask can be with an actionable element, such as a donation form, or an email capture.  We recommend an easy-to-access form or call to action button. Your organization has to have a direct ask. Reason for your organization creating the content, and what behavior does your organization want a potential lead to accomplish? The direct ask does not have to be at the end of your organization’s content, it can be in the middle or near the beginning.  But your organization needs to have a direct ask.  This is very important.


If your organization needs some assistance with marketing, mobile application, or branding, then we are available and can be reached at info@jdswebdesign.biz or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Md Mahdi.


JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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