Ways to add interactive content to your website?
What are some ways to add interactive content to your website? And why would you want to add interactive content to your website? Let’s answer the second question, your organization would like to add interactive content to gain traction and discover your target audience’s pain points. Sometimes your target audience does not always discuss their pain points. Some interactive content could engage your target audience and allow your organization to find out what is important or not important to your target audience. Remember, what your organization feels is important, might not be important at all to your target audience.
What are some examples of interactive content?
Videos, quizzes, assessments, surveys, polls, on-demand webinars, and calculations to name a few. But let us look at how your organization can add these elements to your organization’s website or digital platform. These elements should also be added to your organization’s social media platforms. Remember your organization’s digital platforms include the website, mobile application, and social media platforms.
Number rule with regard to videos, they should not start as soon as someone visits your organization’s website or a specific page. Your organization should have a highly visible play button, and allow your visitor to select the play button to view the video. The video should have a headline and subject line with what is on the video. The video should also be relevant to your organization, and something of value to your target audience. Stay away from vacation, and personal videos, unless they are relevant to your organization’s target audience.
Quizzes, Assessments, and Surveys
The only rule for quizzes, assessments, and surveys is to stay away from politics and religion. Unless your organization is focused on politics and religion. But remember, those are the number one ways to turn a potential lead or visitor away from your organization’s website. Sometimes bounce rates, the percentage of visitors who left your website within a few seconds, are not as bad as it appears. Your organization should focus on where the traffic is coming from.
Quizzes, assessments, and surveys are optional ways to find out what are your target audience’s pain points. Remember to keep the size of these elements to one page or less than five (5) elements.
Polls are different from surveys, in which your target audience can give their opinions anonymously. Remember to stay away from politics, and religion. Unless your organization is appealing toward politics and religion.
On-Demand Webinars
This is a new feature and is used on social media platforms. However, it can be used on all digital platforms. Webinars allow your organization to reach out to your target audience and see what is a new pain point. Make sure your organization uses a secured platform, and the registration process should be easy. No more than a few items are needed to register for an on-demand webinar. Name and email are all that your organization should be asking for, and we would not recommend using these platforms for conversions. This should be a free opportunity to add value to your community.
These elements can be added to your blog content strategy, or on a landing page. If your organization needs some help with regard to these marketing strategies, then we are available and can be reached at info@jdswebdesign.biz or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Tanner Van Dera.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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