How to use Linkedin for Corporate Sponsorships?
We have many clients constantly looking to find corporate sponsors for ministries and fundraisers. Gaining corporate sponsorships partners can be developed by using the social media platform, Linkedin. It is a process and a lengthy one, which is the reason, why many non-profit and faith-based organizations do not use this process. We will share a step-by-step process for finding a partner on Linkedin and developing relationships, which could mean the difference between a successful and unsuccessful campaign.
The first step is to set up an organizational or company page. Do not use a personal page, but an organizational or company page. Make sure your organizational page links your organization’s website, mission, and values. Your organizational page should describe all your events and campaigns. Your organization should encourage visitors to connect with your organizational page.
Connect your organizational or company page with your website. Encourage all your visitors, board members, and friends to connect to your organizational page. Post often and encourage followers to share and comment on your postings. Post about upcoming events and members of your community. Make sure your posts are about your values and missions. Stay away from personal posts about vacations or family accomplishments, remember this is your organizational page.
Establish a strategic network. Look for industry leaders and invite them to your organizational page. Linkedin is not like Facebook or Twitter, some people only go to their page weekly or monthly. Remember to not get discouraged if your numbers do not increase in a timely manner. Create a game plan, and look at your community to see what is being posted. Create a similar post. Make sure your organizational page stays updated and any changes to your organization should be posted on your page.
Start or participate
Start and participate in groups, which are vital to your industry. Do not look for fundraising or marketing groups. Your organization should be asking to join groups in your industry. Your organization wants to share what is going on in your industry. Fundraising and marketing groups are for your personal pages. All groups, which you join, should expect comments on their post from your organization. This will build engagement and help to develop relationships.
Assign the growth of your organizational page to someone in your company. This person should post at least a couple of times a week. They should check in on the groups, which your organizational page has joined and make comments on a daily basis. They should make connections and they should ask for corporate sponsors to friends of your organizational page.
If your organization needs some assistance with corporate sponsorships, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Michael Sapiton.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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