How to use Twitter to grow your organization?
Twitter is not a bad word. Twitter is not a bad word. Twitter is not a bad word. Social media platforms have played a tremendous role in the growth of many organizations. It does have some things to be careful about, but when used correctly social media can grow your organization faster did we mention that it is free? So how does your organization take advantage of Twitter?
You will need to create an account if you do not have one. Once your organization has an account, then you will need to create a handle or username. It can not be more than 15 characters. Do not try to be too cute, remember your organization’s branding is important. Brand Recognition. Brand Recognition. Brand Recognition. Your tweets and messages can consist of 280 characters. Your organization should plan out what tweets. Using hashtags is critical. Hashtags are the easiest way to look up tweets. Hashtags are important, as they become the way to make campaigns, and events go viral. Your organization should encourage followers to share hashtags of campaigns and events.
Your organization’s tone of voice is critical. All your organization’s posts should be in a storytelling voice. Your organization should post about upcoming events, campaigns, and your organization. Showcase testimonials. Use your organization’s social media to showcase transparency. This is sometimes the first and only time to explain your organization’s position on a controversies story or event. Be very transparent. Apology when it is necessary.
Success is measured by growth or followers. When we are talking about followers, we are not talking about bots (robots…not real people). The easiest way to tell if someone has real followers or bots is to check out when they post. How many comments do they receive? If they have 100,000 followers and only have 10 or fewer comments, then most of their followers are bots. Ways to grow your followers is by providing quality content. Your content should include photos. Your content should include short videos, less than 140 minutes. Your content should include polls. Your content should be engaging. Your content should implore visitors to want to comment, in a positive way. Remember your voice and tone.
Your organization’s website should list all your social media platforms. Your social media platforms should allow sharing. Your organization should encourage sharing on all blog posts. Your organization should be checking analytics, and the number of visitors for each post. Your organization should repost popular posts. Your organization should create a social media policy. Your organization should have one, maybe two team members to be responsible for your social media presence.
If your organization needs help with custom design websites, mobile applications, accessibility, marketing, search engine optimization, or support, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Souvik Banerjee.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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