How to stop being an enabler?
One of the things that I am working hard on doing, is to stop enabling other business owners. Having a question about how to solve a problem efficiently, is fine. Wanting me to do research on something which might fall outside the solution box, which does not benefit me? It is not helping but enabling. Providing my perspective on third-party services is fine, especially if the service can benefit someone else. Contacting the third-party service with a question for someone else is not. This is not helping but enabling.
These might seem like extreme situations. Ones which you might say, I would never do that. Loving to stay involved in the WordPress Web Design, Brand Development, and Entrepreneur Community, and meeting someone new is a constant experience. Seeing everyone become a success, is truly a wonderful feeling. Meeting only enabler. Ones, who want you to do all their groundwork, and do not want to pay for your time. I have taken a pledge to stop enabling.
The other day, I saw a post in which someone was asking for help. Everyone’s comments centered around using Google, Youtube, or just plain trying to find the solution. Obviously, this person was using the group to do all the leg work. Such a lazy and incredibly bad work ethic…you go to social media platforms and post complex issues and wait for designers and developers to give you solutions. We have to stop enabling these folks.
About six months ago, when I was attending a MeetUp. I was asked about how to re-direct a page. Not a big deal, I provided a few re-direct plugins. Then I was asked about search engine optimization. I was asked about how to send traffic to their site. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom…and quickly removed myself from that conversation. These questions are what do I do for a living? How do I pay my mortgage? How do I feed my family?
Recently I saw on Twitter, a t-shirt that said “I charge to access Google”. I need to get my hands on that shirt, and any question that forces me to google it…comes with an invoice. No more enablers.
If you are looking for a web designer, and/or a brand developer, then I am available. I can be reached at or 678-718-5489.
The image is courtesy of Charles Koh.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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