Reason(s) for Niche Business
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
We are a strong support of creating a niche business. Especially for new web designer and free lancer, and why some disagree with our approach. We lean on the four corners (plus one more) with regards to becoming a niche business. You will be able to do the following with regards to your business model, you will be able to able to enhance customer relations, reduce competition, increase visibility, and hone their expertise.
Enhancing Customer Relationships
How can niche business enhance customer relationships? First, since this is your niche business and something that you focus on, then you should be able to discuss pain points and ways to solve these pain points. You should know your target audience and where they are looking for help.
Helping to assist the do-it-yourself (DIY) clients, by offering simple solutions to problems is a great way to establish yourself as an expert. Creating email list campaign, in which you allow potential customers to exchange their emails for simple solutions. Creating frequent blog post about how to improve or solve a pain point, only enforces you as an expert. Having simple services and products for the more comprehensive pain points, will provide other solutions for your target audience.
You want to start the conversation and by offering simple solutions for free (or limited pain…email capture exchange) is a great way to enhance your customer relationships.
Reducing Competition
Smart business owners (prospective customers) really like to discuss projects with someone, who has created similar projects. We have won so many projects, not because we knew this person or that person…or we had the lowest price, because we talk the language of our prospective clients. We knew, who their target audience was…and where their target audience was looking for ways to solve their pain points.
For many years, many small faith based organizations did not invest in their on line presence. They could not see a return on their investment (ROI). We would argue that by allowing your members an easy way to tithe, view sermons, and provide reliable directions were important to their target audience. A need to be able to submit request (confidently and have someone response, preferably the senior pastor) was important. Being able to fill out a basis form, and provide a ministry for someone to volunteer for…all of these things were important.
Non of our competitors knew about this…we did, because of the many years of creating website for faith based organizations. We, in essence, reduce our competition down to a limited number of agencies. Never being afraid to provide our cost, we always provide what we can do, what we have done, and always recommend prospective contact our current clients for reviews and recommendations. Nothing our competitors can do…because they create website for everyone.
Increase visibility
Remarkable since we are a niche designer, most prospective emails or calls know what we do and what we do not do. Our visibility has increased greatly over the past several years. Most of our clients boast about our relationship and ways in which the relationship has help to increase business. This increase in visibility has help to grow our agency almost two fold in the last several years.
Creating web sites and branding for non profits use to be a tough scenario. Unfortunately, most non profit organization are either equipped with a full marketing budget or a shoe string budget. One of the things we have been able to create over the past several years, is an immediate return on investment (ROI) for non profit organization. By providing social media guidelines to grow membership, offer assistance with making sure their google ranking is correct, telling them about how to improve search engine optimization, and providing monthly marketing plan. We have help many non profit organization reach revenue beyond expectations. These success stories have only assist in increasing our visibility, because most board members sit on more than one board. The word of mouth advisement has been invaluable.
While it is very easy for us to consider ourselves an expert, it is more important for our clients to feel that we are an expert. The feeling comes from the fact, that several of our clients are experiencing the same pain point..we are solving the same issue for different clients.
If we have a client with a book coming out in a couple of months, then we will need to establish a couple of avenues to promote our client’s book. The research can lead to some partnership, which could be spread among several clients. We could research which is the best way or payment gateway for sales. Maybe it is amazon, maybe it is on their website…our research could assist with our current client and future clients.
We love our niche business. While others are constantly looking for the next project, we have found that by drilling down on our niche…our phone is always ranging.
Image courtesy of Taylor Hernandez .

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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