How to use some “Productivity Tips” to grow your organization?
We always try to promote the other P word, productivity to counter the bad P word, Procrastination. Procrastination is the root to hurt and in some cases destroying an organization. We have discussed the procreating gap and complacency gap, and how they can harm your productivity and growth. So what are some tips to improve your productivity and avoid procrastination? There are a few ways to keep your productivity at a high standard.
Write it down
Write down your daily, weekly, and monthly to-do list. Make sure you have three major elements and several minor ones. The major ones should be ones that might take more than 30 minutes to complete. The minor ones should be routine tasks and can be completed within 30 minutes. Make sure your cross through the completed major items, it is something about seeing completed work done that will assist you in developing away from being a procrastinator.
Time Table
Set your timetable based on your task. If you receive many overnight email requests, then let that be the first block of time to respond to the emails. Maybe you have to place some of the email requests into certain blocks or tasks, which is fine. But establish a routine of how your day will be governed. Make sure to include lunch and breaks in your timetable.
Action Plan
Create an action plan for overwhelming and unexpected tasks. We can become overwhelmed with a new and huge task. Take a breath, and break down the task into several small items. Schedule when you are going to work on each element and knock it out. Sometimes we can become paralyzed because of this type of request, and that is when procrastination will set in. We just need to step back, and assess the situation and turn a large request into several small manageable requests.
Reward yourself when all tasks are completed. It does not have to be any major reward, just something simple. Maybe a late-night snack at your local ice cream shop, order a nice book from Amazon or allow yourself to remove yourself from all work after all tasks have been completed. What ever is your favorite thing, then use it as a reward.
Make sure you schedule some getaway times during your day. Make sure you schedule a time for breaks, one in the morning and afternoon. You should set aside some time for lunch. You should have time for exercise, whether it is going to the gym or a walk around your work area. Your breaks should never be more than 15 minutes, and remove all distractions. Music, TV, and social media platforms should be turned off if they distracted you.
Stress is a manageable emotion. Stress can lead to procrastination. We need to recognize this and work on some basic techniques to get our work completed in a timely manner. If your organization is looking for some marketing assistance, then we are available and can be reached at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Sayan Majhi.
JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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