What are some “Paid Ways to Grow Your Website”?
While most want to grow their digital platform in an organic, free, and/or limited-cost manner. Paid or premium manners will increase your digital platform, and should be more expediently, or something is not correct. So what are some ways to grow your digital platform, in the premium world?
Attend or Host
We would recommend attending or hosting a MeetUp, Conference, and/or Networking Event. While most virtual MeetUps are free, in-person MeetUps will dip into your pockets. Most hosts will provide lunch or early dinner and MeetUp does not have a budget for those costs. Unless you secure a sponsor, then those costs are going to be incurred by the host. However, as a host of MeetUp, your organization can provide information about your organization to your target audience. Conferences and Networking Events usually have an entrance fee, parking cost, driving or transportation cost, and some might have some accommodation costs. However, these events should allow your organization to discuss your digital platform, products, and services with your target audience.
Advertise in your local newspaper, radio, or magazine. Sponsoring a local sports team or club. Provide your organization’s logo on a local sports team, and include your organization’s digital platform and phone number. Your organization will spend a few dollars, but this type of marketing typically has a great ROI (Return on Investment) as it builds up your organization’s neighborhood brand. Many organizations want to expand their brand’s reach, however, there is a lot of value in having a strong local brand.
Publish an E-Book and sell it on Amazon. Generally, your organization might not see a profit with this service. However, the value of growing your brand is a lot more important than the cost of a few E-Books. Your organization could also provide E-Books for free on your organization’s digital platform. Remember the E-Books are to authenticate your organization’s expertise to your target audience. Make sure your branding is used throughout the E-Book.
Others Mean
Create a podcast, YouTube Channel, Guest Blogging, or Blog. These new marketing strategies are going to cost your organization in terms of cost and time. Most of these services can also generate revenue, but generally, it takes a lot of content (which means time and cost) before revenue will be generated. PPC (Pay Per Click) search engine marketing strategy is another way to grow visitors to your organization’s digital platform.
While these are just a few premium services to grow your digital platform, there are many others. If your organization needs help growing its marketing strategy, then we are available and can be reached at info@jdswebdesign.biz or 678-718-5489. The image is courtesy of Om Kamath.
JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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