I am open
In the midst of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign hope everyone is safe, washing their hands frequently, sneezing and coughing on their elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we plan on blogging about making your website more business-friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
I am Open. Sometimes I miss getting a bi-weekly check and working in corporate America. Then I awake from my nightmare and feel very thankful for opening up my freelance business almost nine (9) years ago. I do miss the steady paychecks. I miss hanging out at lunch. I miss the co-ed softball teams, playing basketball with colleagues on Tuesday Night, and our golf outing on Saturday morning. I do a good job of managing funds and have been fortunate to keep my bank account in positive. I am an active member of four Monthly Meetups, mainly WordPress design, WordPress development, and small business owners. I have several favorite watering holes (coffee shops), which serve as my office usually Monday – Friday. I hit the gym at least four days a week. I still play golf on Saturday mornings, usually with my roommate from college, or friends from church.
What I am trying to say?
My life has not changed much since I left Corporate America. The biggest change has been, I get to set my schedule. I work with clients, which I chose to work with. I feel empowered to tell bad clients, “No thank you!”. I look at my life today and I am thankful to be working for myself. I can hang out with family and friends. I read a lot (something I have loved to do since I was a youth).
What did I do today?
I got up at 6:00 am. I check my emails. I have been waiting for an email, from one of my clients about some potential add-on work. I need the scope of the project, in order to price it out. No email…maybe tomorrow. I made myself some coffee and began watching ESPN’s Sports Center. I usually flip over to Mike and Mike, but not today. I have designed a child theme for Elegant Theme’s Divi, and I am beginning to work on a Marketing Plan. At 7:00 pm, I began waking up my children and taking them to school. After my last drop-off, I headed to Starbucks to begin working on a project. I was stopped at Church and asked to review a fellow member’s website. I had several questions. I wrote out a small list of potential corrections. At around 10:30 am, I received a call from my gas company. Our services had been accidentally turned off, and they were coming to turn the services back on. I know that had to be an uncomfortable conversation with my wife. She is not the happiest person in the morning and is awakened by cold water. It was not pretty. Luckily, I took a shower the night before…I headed home, so they could re-light the power light on our water heater. I called my fellow parishioner. We discussed his site and some changes, which I would recommend. At about noon, I headed to the gym. I worked out for about an hour. I went to my local grocery store, to get myself a salad, a fruit bowl, a couple of burritos, and Gatorade. I went back home, ate lunch, and took a power nap. I got up around 2:30 pm and forgot to turn off my phone. It was a referral from one of my clients. We discuss the potential project, an e-commerce site. The potential client sold shadow boxes. We discuss pricing points, time frames, and what other services are included. I looked at the clock, it was 3:20. I headed out to pick up my kids from school. As I was leaving, my wife was coming in. I advised her the hot water was back on. She looked very tired. I picked up my kids. They told me everything (which I am sure was not everything) that happen in school today. I pulled out some wings and fries. I cooked the wings and fries. Dinner was served at 5:30 pm. My wife was taking a power nap. I woke her up and took her to our favorite restaurant. We had an enjoyable meal and she began telling me about her day. I felt sorry, she had a really challenging one. Mine was very uneventful (much like it has been the past eight (8) plus years).
Image Courtesy of Alex Holyoake

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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