Not Late
In the midst of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign hope everyone is safe, washing their hands frequently, sneezing and coughing on their elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we plan on blogging about making your website more business-friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
I am not late with my work day overview. It would have been posted eariler, but I decided to post a couple of images. So check out the blow-by-blow of my life as a web designer on Friday, which is my busiest day. Working as a freelance web designer and brand developer, my Mondays can be challenging.
My day started at…
6:30 am – Made my first cup of coffee, and began looking at my emails. Clean out all my rush emails and had to work on a couple of client sites.
Why did I do this…
7:30 am – Moving a client’s email from Godaddy to Zoho. Kicking myself as I am a web designer and not an email provider, it is a great client (who I have been friends with for close to 30 years). We discuss the move and changes on Saturday but still had a few issues. Worked on it for about an hour…got frustrated and decided to work on it some more later today.
The standing meeting changed…
8:30 am – Typically I have standing client meetings. My standing meetings are going to be today. Review the status of projects, and what is needed to keep projects moving forward.
One of my projects is in the design stages, looking forward to receiving content from the client. Need to begin populating content and finish out the design process in a couple of weeks.
Another project is having some scope issues. Sent the client the final scope. Waiting for approval will have to have my developer make a few changes to the site. This site has been delayed a couple of times, want to launch soon. Have been hired to develop the brand, so this is going to be a long-term project, and looking forward to launch, SEO, marketing, and sales funnel.
Lastly, my re-design for a faith-based academy. Several emails have been forwarded to me, need to reconstruct them and make sure my demo is linking up with the client’s wishes.
10:30 am – Conversation with faith base academy director. The demo and emails appear to be linked up. Need to check to see if Event Calendar can link up with Gmail. Did a quick research and found an add-on plug, Event Aggregator. It can be linked, will do some testing and touch base with the client next week.
Sent some friendly reminders…
11:30 am – Noticed several of my recurring clients have not forwarded February’s payment. Reminder emails are sent with “this is probably an oversight”. Having great clients is always a rarity. Gather data for client reports, as they will be emailed on the 5th.
A little tired…power nap is needed
12:30 am – Took lunch and power nap.
2:00 pm – Finish gathering data for client reports.
2:30 pm – Second standing meeting. Discuss content needs with the client. Did some screen sharing and establish calendar dates of when all the content will be sent to me. Great meeting!!!
3:30 pm – Third (and final) standing meeting. Discuss scope. Email five issues, and will send them to my developer. Time-sensitive client, as the launch date has been pushed once (which I do not like).
4:30 pm – Worked on emails. Did a few Twitter posts? Wrote content for the podcast. Decided to record the podcast in a few days, and will upload it next week.
I must be tired…REALLY
5:30 pm – Forgot to follow up on the future projects. A fellow web designer has reached out to me on the social media platform. Wanted me to provide some templates for some of his upcoming projects. Felt bad, but did send out an email…and stayed in my office 30 minutes later than usual.
6:30 pm – Worked on a few client requests and sent emails about the completed task.
7:00 pm – Had the wrong date down (am scheduled to have Atlanta WordCamp Organizer Meeting), though it was today, it is set for the 10th. Looked at the list of tasks to complete this week. Worked on a few tasks.
8:00 pm – Logged off my computer…
If you need a website or your current website redesign, then I am available. I can be reached at or 678-718-5489.
Image Courtesy of Caleb Fisher.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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