Marketing Techniques To Secure More Clients
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
Being a member of several facebook groups, it is always interesting to hear fellow creative entrepreneurs thoughts or business plans on how to secure more clients. The other day, I found myself in the middle of a conversation about how to secure clients. One member was offering the hope marketing (which will be a blog post in the near future).
Hope marketing is to create a website. Add some search engine optimization on each page, maybe pay an expert or google how to do it? Get some business cards. And wait for your phone to rang. Hear it!!! Of course not… This is the hope mentality. You are hoping that someone will call you. The call will be your ideal client, and your phone will continue to rang and business will be great.
Not trying to be difficult, I provide a more complete plan. This process will take a lot more work. You will need to spend some time on your brand. Maybe work on some indirect process, which will create some exposure for you and your brand. This will put you in contact with someone looking for your services.
I will provide six small ideals to assist you with secure more clients (indirectly).
*Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is the process, where you research some top blogs in your industry. Reach out to the owner of the blog, and ask if you can blog on their site. Find out who the owner is…do not send a generic form letter? Reference a past blog post…offer some compensation. Again, do not make blank statements, like my blog has hundreds or thousand of followers, so by allowing me to guest blog it will add to your audience. Let the blog know you are trying to grow your business, and would love to guest blog. Provide examples of your work. If you have not blog in the past, then begin prior to asking to guest blog. Ask if you can put a link back to your site? Do not assume anything.
*Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instragram, YouTube, and Linkedin)
It is free. Free marketing. Create a twitter account, post a couple times a day. Create a facebook business page. Create an instragram page. If you are into video content, then create a youtube page. Finally every business owner should have an linkedin account.
Make sure each of your accounts are active. You should have something posted at least once a week. Again this is not easy, but you will be surprise at how this free marketing can assist your growth and exposure.
This is the latest crave. Everyone wants to be a podcaster. Creating a podcast, really means making sure you have relevant content and consistent content. This is another great way to showcase your expertise and allow your personality to be displayed. While you might not receive client directly from your podcast, indirectly you will be gaining in terms of exposure.
If you are creating in the WordPress arena, then attending WordCamp is essential. Not only is it inexpensive, from $20 – $25 day, you will be expose to local designer, developers, business owners, and who’s who’s. And given today’s climate, most WordCamps are virtual. They are free. You can also submit to speak. Volunteer. Help organize. While WordCamp discourages sales pitches…it encourages sharing of knowledge. A free forum to showcase your expertise.
*Local Networking (MeetUps, Chambers of Commerce)
Similar to WordCamps, networking is such an undervalue and free marketing for you and your brand. Take a few minutes to research your local meetup and/or chamber of commerce. Look for opportunities to share your expert knowledge. Do not go into these networking events, looking to sale anyone…you are looking to provide more exposure about you and your brand.
*Pay Per Click (PPC) – Google Adwords, Facebook Campaigns, Twitter Campaigns, Linkedin Campaigns
Finally use campaign to gain some more exposure. Pay per click, google adwords, facebook campaign, twitter campaigns and linkedin campaigns. Make sure to do your research, but most of these can be done with a small budget (couple hundred dollars) and some smart strategies (make sure you are reviewing the analytics for Return on Investment information).
Instead of hoping that your phone will rang. Create your own exposure. While none of these are easy, but you need to keep working to get your brand out there. And then your phone will begin ranging.
Image courtesy of Nik MacMillan.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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