How to use an “Influencer Marketing Strategy”?
What is an influencer? Is it someone on a social media platform with a million or more followers? Is it someone, who can move your products or services, because they are associated with your brand? How can you determine the value or worth of the relationship? While there are many questions centered around the relationship, one of the most important questions is the type of relationship and how this assist with your brand or organization.
Influencers are more than individuals with a million (or how many your organization wants to qualify) followers. Are the followers, real people or bots? How many reactions or shares do the followers get with each and every post? Does the influencer share your organization’s values and missions? If your organization is faith-based, then does the influencer share your faith and values? If your organization is a non-profit industry, then does the influencer understand your organization’s values and missions? All these questions need to be worked out prior to establishing a relationship, and what is your organization’s expectation for the relationship?
How does your organization implement the influencer into your organization’s services or products? Is this a brand marketing campaign? Is this an event campaign? Is there an expectation on the number of posts from the influencer, and what does your organization expect from the post?
Personal quotes are great. Individuals love to have their saying become a quote or brand message. Some individuals are very quotable, while others are not. It is not an easy practice, because the words have to be relatable to your organization’s values and brand. Another great thing about quotes is social media love to share quotes, especially if the quotes can be hashtagged. Experience influencers hashtag everything because they know that the hashtag is the easiest way to create a virtual post. No one can predict what can become a virtual post, but an influencer’s quote can be the first step to something becoming a virtual post.
Working with influencers is similar to any marketing strategy. Your organization should have expectations and goals associated with the relationship. These expectations and goals should be measurable and reviewed in a timely manner. We would recommend using the SMART Marketing Strategy. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timebound Goals. This marketing strategy should make analyzing the performance of the relationship clear and concise.
Remember the spotlight is not on the influencer but on the audience or conversion. In these types of relationships, the influencers are similar to an advertisement. The advertisement only places eyes on your desired page or website, your content and messaging need to convert the leads. Your influencers should be sharing your organization’s brand with like-minded leads. Your organization does not need a million bots (computer-generated social media accounts), but real people looking for your organization’s brand.
Good Fits
These relationships should never be on a long-term basis on the initial relationships, your organizations need to make sure the influencers are a good fit for your organization’s brand and vision. Making sure your relationships are on a short-term basis until your organization can establish good or expected results. While influencer marketing is not a new concept, the guidelines and expectations are still being worked out for many organizations.
If your organization is in need of any assistance with its digital platform or marketing, then feel free to contact us at or 678-718-5489.
Image courtesy of Nathan Dumlao.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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