I’m Back
This past weekend, I was at a spiritual conference. I was talking to a real good friend, and client of mine. I had created his website many years ago. He was having some issues with his site, sounded like it was hacked. But he insisted it was not hacked. Just needed a code updated. We agreed to meet in a couple of days after our conferences.
His site had been hacked. He did not want to take out my maintenance plan. He felt like he was techie enough to fix any issues. Lucky for him, I had his site on my cloud back up. I presented him a couple of options for him to chose. Recreate his old site or create a new re-design. He opted to have his old site back. I advised him only if he opted to have me hosted his site and do his maintenance. He agreed and I restored his site on his new fast hosting.
I have been spending so much time working on other projects, that I have not had a chance to work on my site. I decided to hit Barnes and Noble…get me some coffee from Starbucks and work on my site. In 2020, I am committing at least 1 hour a day on my site. Whether it is creating a new blog, updating my portfolio page, creating case studies page, or uploading my latest podcast. I am going to begin focusing on my expertise. Yes I’m Back!!!
Funny how I can spend days, weeks, months working on a project, but it only takes me a few hours to work on my site. I am going to start a marketing campaign for my site. Yes, it will be KLT. I will need to get folks to KNOW who I am. Then I will get folks to LIKE who I am. And Finally, I will get folks to TRUST who I am. I’m Back!!!
These past several months, I have had an opportunity to work on a several faith based organizations, non profits, and small business sites. I have been really busy. Also, I had the pleasure of helping a e commerce site owner. It is wonderful to help someone with their site, but I need to make sure to put in some time on my site as well. I’m Back!!!
I did get a chance to go to St. Louis for WordCamp US 2019. I got a chance to meet SiteGround, Woocoomerce, Site Lock, WP Engine, and Flywheel folks. It was good to speak to representatives, whose products I use on a daily bases. I have been an organizer for WordCamp Atlanta the last couple of years. I am super excited and looking forward to helping and becoming more active in the WordPress Community. I’m Back!!!
I did get some bad news. I lost two client. It was an awesome client. The client dealt had a site, which help substance abuse addicts. I really enjoyed my conversations with my client. I will miss those calls. I lost another client as well. It was a faith based organization. The client was looking for a local web designer, which did not make sense to me. I will miss him as well, but I gained four and lost two. Not bad. I’m Back!!!
Image cortesy of Thomas Lebreve

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Faith Base, Non Profit and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about me or how I can help you and your organization, let’s schedule a 15 – 30 minute coffee. I can be reached by clicking here..