Why it is still important to help your fellow man?
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
I remember when helping your fellow man (or woman) was the norm. You did not receive any prize or title, it was the foundation of a neighborhood and/or community. I am not sure when it happen, but the helping out your fellow man became viewed as negative behavior. Being friendly became a weakness. I am not sure when this shift occurred, however my foundation is solid and unchangeable, as I love to help my fellow man.
Helping my fellow man
Last Sunday as I was heading downstairs to view worship with my family on live stream, I received a text from a client of mine. It is a faith base organization, who also was streaming their sermons. The streaming service is an outside vendor. The client had installed a firewall on the streaming services, to protect themselves from a potential hackers. The firewall and streaming service was not playing nicely on that particular day. The streaming service had provided a new code, so that the sermon could be viewed.
The client had not ideal, where to install the code. The client had reached out to a fellow staff member, and well the site looked “jacked up”…or really weird. Drinking a cup of my favorite (coffee), I headed to my den to do some diagnostics. Quickly figuring out the issue, I was able to resolve the issue. The client “thank me”…
Having done business with this client for several years, and receiving a couple of recommendations…seemed only fitting to take a few minutes out of my schedule to help them. Besides… I know that streaming services is used by a lot of folks. Military men and women (who are unable to attend services) are watching…elderly folks (who for what ever reason…but they can not attend service) are watching…hopefully the message (which it was a good one), touched someone and made them want to return to the flock.
Helping my fellow man
I love my neighborhood grocery store (however I will not mention it’s name). About six months ago, my favorite grocery store created an outstanding bad blunder. Picking up some fruit, I was behind an elderly woman. She had several items, which appear to be for a MASH scene…gauge, tape, ice pad, medicine, etc. When the cashier advised her that the cost was $53.00, she gave the cashier her credit card and driver’s license. The names on the credit card and driver’s license did not match. The credit card was in her husband’s name (last name was the same…just not the first name). The cashier, who was extremly nice and helpful, explained that she would need a manager to sign off. She called a manager over, who denied the exchange because of the name issue and the purchase amount was over $50.00. I took a few items and told the cashier, that I would just pay for them. Making the elderly ladies groceries less than $50.00. The manager told the elderly lady, that since they had knowledge of the card issue…she would not be allowed to make any purchases with her husband’s card. I just swiped my card and presented my id to the manager and cashier.
The elderly lady asked for my name and number. She was on her way to assist her husband, who recently fell and broke both of his legs. She would make sure he was comfortable, and then head to the atm and pay me back. I took her hands, and told her that would be okay. She gave me a hug and said “thank you”. It was the kind of hug, that your mother or grand mother gave you…and you knew. You just knew something good just took place.
I would send an email to the store manager, detailing the incident. I was offered a couple hundred dollars in coupons. The manager, who took time to look up my business phone number, called me. The elderly lady called and explained the situation. The cashier pulled the manager to the side and was visible upset. The manager advise it was an assistant manager, who made a horrible mistake. The assistant manager would be receiving some additional training. The manager invited me out to lunch at a rather nice restaurant, I decline…but advised him that our neighborhood school was holding a fundraiser. Maybe he could attend or support them (with some items from the grocery store).
Helping my fellow man
Last night I received a frantic email, one of my clients could not access her web site. Her site’s SSL certificate needed to be renewed. After contacting the hosting company and making a few clicks, her site was back up and running. Not a huge deal, but obviously my client was concern. To respond to my site is down at close to midnight is important.
Her site is up and she is happy…and I am a “hero”. At least for the moment…
If you are looking to redesign your web site or need a brand developer, then I am available. I can be reached at info@jdswebdesign.biz or 678-718-5489.
Image courtesy of rawpixel.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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