Goals of a web designer


In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing.  Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly.  We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.

Every morning, I write my goals for the day.  On Monday, I write my goals for the week.  At the beginning of each month, I write my goals for the month.  I have goals for each quarter.  I have annual goals. I am very goal oriented person.  It is the lifestyle of a web designer.

This past June, I created a new goal.  I wanted to have a specific number of KLT (Know, Like, and Trust) Brand Marketing Clients.  It was a six month goal.  I will eclipse the number in a couple of weeks.  I might have to turn away a potential client, who is looking at me or another designer.

I decided about four years ago to position myself as a brand developer and web designer.  It has been a wonderful journey.  I have created web site and brand campaigns that have far exceeded my expectations as well as my clients. I love using the KLT Brand Marketing for all my clients.  I love marketing to a target audience.  I love creating landing pages.  I love to hear about how KLT Marketing has changed my clients’ business.

I believe in giving myself an incentive for accomplishing goals.  I learned this while working in Corporate America, the golden handcuffs plan.  Every time I hit a weekly goal, then I treat myself to a round of golf, or half day (which is usually spent at Barnes and Noble or my local library) reading a book, or a nice time piece ( I love a GREAT Watch).

Typically, I do not work during the holiday.  I enjoy going shopping with my wife. I love hanging out with my kids, during the holiday break.  I love traveling to see family.  Now that I have accomplished my KLT Branding Marketing Goal, it is going to be interesting to see what I do…

Image courtesy of Nolan Issac.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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