Goal Planning for Non-Profit Organizations
This is the perfect time to begin planning goals for your non-profit organizations. Look at how your organization has performed with regard to your donation campaigns and events. Were your organization’s campaigns and events a success or disappointment? Make sure your organization is planning on making the upcoming year a huge success and the only way for that to occur is to begin with a plan. Some things to consider during your organization’s planning:
If your organization does not have a database of all your organization’s donors, then your organization needs to begin there with regard to planning. Next, if your organization does have a database, then make sure it is cleaned up and decluttered. Finally, your organization needs to analyze what was successful, and why it was successful. What was a disappointment and why was it a disappointment? Most disappointments deal with a lack of marketing or a poorly executed marketing strategy. Some call this a lack of streamlined process.
Ask in an authentic way your organization’s donors, what they liked or disliked about specific campaigns and events. Take that information and formulate a better experience for your organization’s donors. Make sure your organization displays a thankful and grateful attitude for the information provided. Remember your organization’s donors are the lifeline of your revenue stream.
Plan your organization’s campaign and events. Review competitor’s campaigns and events. Were they successful, or could your organization outperform their campaigns and or events? Begin planning on the venue, virtual experience, email sequences, campaign portal, storytelling content, and interviews. Begin to recruit volunteer fundraisers, we would recommend starting a peer-to-peer program. Your organization wants to input some energy into all your campaigns and events.
Social Media
Create a social media strategy. Use these free platforms to begin gaining traction for your organization’s upcoming campaigns and events. It is totally fine to create a countdown to an announcement. Provide some small incentives for your organization’s followers and create a buzz for upcoming campaigns and events. Review what your organization is providing to sponsors and partners. Make your organization’s sponsors and partners understand that their contributions are not just about social responsibilities, but should be aligned with their missions and values. Promote your organization’s sponsors and partners and make sure to continue to showcase them, especially when your organization does not have an upcoming campaign or events.
Try gamification. There are many software programs, that will allow your organization to create fun and competitive games. Have your donors enroll, create incentives, and give certain titles or responsibilities to your organization’s top performers. Allow your organization’s donors to recruit more donors and activities to plan for in the coming years. Sometimes your organization’s donors know what campaigns and events work best in your industry.
Retention could be replaced with recurring. Your organization should be moving donors to recurring partners. Some things that we recommend, if send out an email birthday, and anniversary card. Your organization’s donors should be invited to member’s member-only events. These could center around holidays or just special events. These should be free and a token of thanks. If your organization is close to a single or double A baseball team, then maybe seek a game day for your organization and donors. If your organization is near an aquarium, then have a night out with your organization’s donors, sponsors, and partners. Commit to retention, because your organization’s competitors are looking to take your donors, sponsors, and partners.
If your organization is struggling, then we are available and can be reached at info@jdswebdesign.biz or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Jenny Ueberberg.
JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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