How do I find my passion?
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
As a free lance web designer, finding passion to keep looking for projects, working on finding solutions to others (clients) issues, and avoiding burnout is a daily struggle. While there is no easy answer, practicing a few simple process helps me to keep my passion.
Embrace Reality
This is not an easy job. Looking from the outside, someone will see me at my favorite watering hole (coffee shop). Working on a project. Returning calls. Sending out proposals. What many do not see is the missed opportunity. The many opportunities which do not become a reality, because of client’s unreal expectations or sometimes my gut feeling.
Long hours are the norm. Making sure that my brand is ever present to my prospective clients. Creating facebook ads. Creating twitter ads. Posting on social media. Attending Meetups. Speaking at events to showcase my expertise. This is my reality and embracing long days, which might not be fulfilling, but understanding the process. Making sure my brand is always in front of potential clients.
My Niche
Working within the Faith Based and Non Profit world can be tough at times. Many prospective clients do not understand the importance of an online presence. Making sure to take on projects which are similar to my goals and objectives, while not trying to chase the almighty dollar. Can be a challenge.
Making sure that I stay on top of what my niche clients needs are? The goal line is ever changing. What was relevant yesterday, is not today. Making sure my skills can meet my clients needs keeps me refresh.
Willing to learn something new
Embracing the belief that “I do not know everything!”. Reading blogs on a daily basis. Looking for motivational speakers. Willing to look at other websites and look at unique features and functionality. Trying to add those unique features and functionality to my current projects.
Last week, spending two hours listening to a speaker discuss google ads and to improve your conversion. Something that was not the most enjoyable conversation…however, something that provided some valuable information for my business and many of my clients.
Challenging myself
Using the envelop system in which my daily, weekly and monthly task are written down. Challenging myself to complete all the task. Making sure that my task include my web design, branding development, support, and blog/podcast media. Reading a new book monthly. Recording weekly podcast. Writing blog post. Many ways to challenge myself, and still making sure that I am working on enough projects to stay in business.
Avoiding burnout
While embracing reality, working within my niche, learning something new, challenging myself…you must avoid burn out. Making sure that you have some down time. Spend that down time with someone outside of your business world. Family. Friends. Do activities not work related. Join a gym. Play golf. Read non work related books. Go to a coffee house and log on your computer and look at non work related websites. Listen to music. Go for a drive and clear your mind. Spend some time with the most important person, you!!!
Image courtesy of Maxwell Ridgeway.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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