So how do you consistently blog as a faith based organization?
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
Many of our clients are faced with our new normalcy, which includes social distancing and video conferences. We are constantly preaching to them about starting a blog post, creating a podcast, and making sure that their live streaming services are on several platforms. The other day, while in a Facebook Group Chat, several pastors asked about how to blog on a consistent basis. We had published a blog almost 2 years ago, about how to blog daily? This information was shared, but I had not looked at the blog post in over a year. All of the points are still good, but inviting guest bloggers and hiring a blogger, was not in the cards for most pastors.
Consistent Blogger
You really need to change a few things to blog on a daily or weekly manner. You need to identify your target audience. What moves your flock? What are their fears? What makes them come up to you, and tell you that your sermon really touch them? Knowing the characteristics of your target audience is important. Who is your competitor? And we are not talking about the faith based organization down the street, but we are talking about what is pulling your flock away from watching your sermon on live stream? Is it fear! Is it anxiety! That is your competition. Have you created a content plan? What are your going to blog about on a specific day? Maybe how to overcome fear? Scriptures about easing anxiety. You need a plan. Lastly keep feeding your content plan. Just like a good Sunday meal, keep writing and scheduling.
Target Audience
Recently we were helping a faith based organization set up a blogging section for their website. After we set it up and provide form, for the pastor or anyone (which they wanted) to create content, nothing happen. The pastor did not know what to write or how to write? We asked about who was his target audience. Who came to hear him preach every Sunday? He began to mention about the little old widow, who missed her husband, but loved to attend service because it reminded her of her marriage. Write about how to fill voids left in someones life…provide scriptures. How the family with a special needs child, needed the community to assist during some hard times? Well write about how the community needs to continue to outreach to all its members. A call…an email…a social distance visit…maybe drop off some food…a card for the college student, who academic studies were cut short. You know your target audience.
There are many forces pulling us in many directions. Use this to speak to your flock, because everyone is staying safe (or hopefully at home). Make sure you are blogging about how to stay focus on your mission and vision. Think outside the box, empower your youth to use social media to get out the message. Hold regular Zoom meetings. Hold regular Facebook Live videos. Encourage your community to hold regular meetings to make sure everyone is staying safe. Be proactive against your competition. Remember you are not competing with the faith based organization down the street, but against that force which is moving your flock further away from you.
Create Content Plan
Set up a content plan. If you are going to discuss why it is important to tithe, then do that on week #1. If you want to discuss the importance of community, then do that on week #2. If you want to discuss new and creative ways to share technology, then do that on week #3. You need to create a plan. Do not wait until the night before or day of to blog, learn to write and schedule your blog posting. If your writing groove is flowing, then write 2 or 3 blog post. Schedule them for a later time. Set time for you to blog post…maybe read a book about something related to what you are going to blog about. Keep your notes handy..and just write. We recommend using Notion to keep a journal or notes, but you can use a good blank note book. The key is to create a plan and keep feeding that plan.
Image courtesy of Alvaro Reyes.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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