What are the “Entrepreneurship Skills Needed” for a SUCCESSFUL Business?
We create a lot of content. Most of our content is about Marketing Strategies, but sometimes we are asked about how to create a business. Most businesses are either the brain trust of someone or come from a talent that someone has, which was used as a hobby and later someone paid for that time or talent. What skills are needed to become a successful business? These are the opinion of our company, and we will agree that someone might have a different list. But these are the skills, that made our organization successful.
We established a strategy and plan with the expectation of being successful. Yes, we expect to be successful. We create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound) Goals for everything that we do, and this is very intentional. We blog on a daily basis, to put our organization on another level compared to our competitors. Yes, this is intentional. It is based on SMART’s Goals, that have been established for our organization.
Time management and productivity are measured and analyzed on a weekly basis. We look at all our products and services, and again intentionally focus on each service and product. We are always looking at other revenue streams and how those revenue streams can benefit our organization. This means, how much time and productivity, is needed to add another revenue stream to our organization. Does the time and revenue make sense from a productivity and cost manner?
We always look for personal and professional development. Reading books and blogs, listening to podcasts, going to conferences and conventions, and speaking at networking events are just a few ways in which we are looking to improve our personal and professional development. Entrepreneurship is not a 9-5 concept, it is a lifestyle and sometimes that means a lot of development outside of the normal workhour concept.
If your organization is not creating content, then how is your organization establishing its authority? We are constantly creating content. It again is intentional to establish our organization on another level compared to our competitors. Again we create content on a daily basis, which your organization can receive early by subscribing to our newsletter.
We recommend organic (free) and premium (paid) search engine optimization. Yes, we paid for our search engine optimization. But we also have an organic strategy. We are able to gain 45% of our leads from our organic strategy, which takes a lot more work. But traction is very important to our organization, and letting non-profit and faith-based organizations know that it takes more than a digital platform to grow your online business is important to our organization.
If your organization does not have a marketing budget, then your organization needs to make a decision about the viability of your organization. Getting your organization in front of potential leads, letting more visitors know how your organization assists our society, and what services/products your organization offer should be the heartbeat of your organization. This is the basic reason for having a marketing strategy.
Social Media
It is free and can grow your organization’s reach. Yes, social media has caused a lot of problems for some organizations. Establish a social media policy, and make sure your social media team (or person) is aware of your organization’s policy.
We would recommend hiring an attorney (for legal reasons) and a certified public accountant (CPA for financial reasons). Sales, financial, and accountancy abilities should be left up to the experts, with regard to advice on how to grow your organization. We do believe that your organization is ultimately responsibility for these decisions.
If your organization does not have a digital platform or marketing strategy, then we can help. You can book a 15-minute complimentary call with us by clicking here. Select a 15-minute complimentary call. Image courtesy of Chase Chappell.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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