Declutter your website, it is time
While most of us have already completed (or at least began) spring cleaning or decluttering. The same should be done on your organization’s digital platform. These few steps could mean the difference in a good Search Engine Organization strategy and a good visual experience for your users.
Remove Plugins
No. Not all your plugins, just the ones that are unnecessary. Ones that are not being presently used on your organization’s digital platform.
Unclutter your navigation. Take time to review, what experiences are your organization trying to provide to your target audience. If your organization is wanting more conversion, then the store or product pages should be visible. Think about the goal and mission of your organization’s digital platform, and make sure your navigation is supporting these goals and missions.
Organize your organization’s digital platform content. The content should be consistent with the goals and missions of your organization’s digital platform. Remove old or outdated content. If a new or better solution is available, then do not have old or outdated content present on your organization’s digital platform. Make sure if your organization has a team page, that the members are updated.
Theme and plugins
Make sure your theme and plugins are up-to-date. This is also a vulnerability issue. If your organization’s digital platform is on WordPress, then make sure your organization’s digital platform is on the most updated WordPress Core.
Page load speed
Check the page load speed of your organization’s digital platform. Your organization might need to compress some images and update some scripts on your organization’s digital platform.
Spam Comments
Delete spammy comments. Remove the excess from your organization’s digital platform.
Fix all broken links on your organization’s digital platform. Your organization could use W3C Link Checker, to view any broken links. We would recommend checking the links on your organization’s digital platform monthly. This could affect your Google rankings.
Optimize your database. We would recommend, WP-Optimize, but there are many options available.
Spring cleaning or decluttering is not a fun exercise. We can help your organization’s digital platform and are available. Your organization can reach us at or 678-718-5489. Image courtesy of Domenico Foia.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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