Balance Lifestyle of a web designer
Balance is very important.
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
Balance is a tough conversation for most freelance web designers. Most freelance web designers will not turn away work, because of a superficial fear that their competitors will take all the new projects. The opinion that “you must work or dedicated 24/7 to your freelance business” is crazy. Everyone needs an outlet. I like the game of golf. I like to visit watering holes (coffee shops). I like to travel with my family. I like to blog. I like to create balance in my life.
I was at my favorite watering hole (coffee shop), Rev Coffee . My developer called to discuss a project, which we were working on. We discuss the pros and cons of the project. My developer asked me “if I was in town”. I had been out of town, I went to Orlando and Dayton for personal reasons, couple former college roommates lost their wives. Two funerals in three months were not a good time in my life. I am planning on speaking at WordCamp 2019 in Asheville. However, I am in town.
I knew my developer wanted to branch out. He wanted to work for an Agency, and stop working as a freelancer. He was chasing a way too many projects. I was not the only designer, he contracted with… An agency has been recruiting him for several months. He wanted to speak with me. We agreed to meet in my office later that day. Much to my developer’s surprise, we did not discuss an exit plan for him. We talked about balance and the importance of having a good life and work plan. He was thankful of the opportunity to work for me, and I am happy that he is with a bigger agency. Hopefully, he will experience a better work and live balance.
Balance can come in many forms.
My developer told me that he took on a new position with a local agency. I congratulated him on his decision. My developer stated he needed balance in his life. He was just working on too many projects. He wanted to have a 9 – 5 position. He was tired of working late nights on freelance projects. He wanted to have a lot more control over his life.
But balance can come in the form of getting away from the daily grind. You have to schedule time away. Do what you enjoy? Walk in the park. Going to the movies. Listening to jazz music. Playing a round of golf. Taking your kids to school. Having lunch or dinner at a nice restaurant with your significant other. Do it!!! And place it on your schedule at least once a month.
Balance is simple.
Balance is simple. I work my hardest during the months of August-May. I do not schedule many projects during the summer months. I prefer to spend that time with my family on vacation. I do not work during December, I prefer to hang out with my family during the holiday month. I love and value family time. This is an important balance (to me).
I am available for any web design or re-design project. You can reach me at 678-718-5489 or
Image courtesy of Federica Diliberto .

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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