Managing your client

In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing.  Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly.  We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.

We are strong believer in chasing clients and not projects.  If you are chasing clients, then you need to be able to manage your clients.  How do you manage your clients?  One book which we are reading is “All I really need to know in business I learned at Microsoft” by Julie Beck.  Julie talks about how to manage your client, and some of the lesson, which we have learn about Managing Our Clients are…

Make your client look good

The perfect symbiotic relationship of a project is for you to try to make your client a star and the client does the same for you!  Make sure you are putting forward extra effort for your client, and do not forget to ask for recommendations/referrals.

Do not wast your client’s time

Be aware of your client’s time.   Does the client want to be included in all meetings, on all memos, and emails, or does your client encourage you to “call anytime”, or “should you save unscheduled meeting for the most urgent issues.  Make sure you stick to your design process, and let your client know each step.

Bring Solutions, not problems

When you come to your client with a question or problem, bring along a few possible solutions.  Prior to pricing out your project, make sure you have all the cost associated with themes, plugins, and third party services included.  Make sure you include any other services, outside of the scope of the project, could result in additional cost.

Prepare your client for bad news early

Do not surprise your client with a missed deadline, public relations nightmare, or production glitch.  If trouble is brewing, let the client know as soon as possible.  Your personal “early warning system” give your client time to evaluate the project.  Be honest, especially if the project is your biggest, first or something which you do not have experience on.

See how your client works and what they need

Always figure out how your client likes to work.  What are their strengths and how can you learn from them?  What are their weakness and how can you learn from them?  do not be afraid to ask them how they prefer to work, or confirm with them your design process.

Let them know how the project is going

If you do not let your client know how the project is coming along, then how can you expect your client to fully trust or respect you or your work.

Give your client two chances

If your client is screwing up, discuss the problem with them directly rather than going to the rumor mill.  If your client does not improve, then advise your client of certain elements of your contract.  Make sure you have a contract.  Have an abandonment clause.  Make sure you give your client date of expectation for every section of your design process.

If you have to bail out from a bad client

Your project can either be a speedboat or and anchor for your career.  If you are stuck with an anchor, then call your client to advised them.  Do not just abandon a project.  Try to leave on the best terms possible.  Provide all assets, unless the problem is a financial one, and then provide dates of release based on payment.  If possible, supply your client with a replacement for completion of the project.  Many problem clients for you are opportunities for other.  Especially if your new and your design process still needs a few tweaks…you will find a more seasoned designer, able to set correct policies and expectation.

Do not burn bridges

Always do your best for your client.  You never know when the will need help on another project, or be in a position to provide you with a larger project.

Image Courtesy of Nathan Dumlao

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia.  We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations.  To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.

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