My five (5) rules for success
In the mist of Covid-19 (Corona Virus), we at JDS WebDesign are hoping everyone is safe, washing your hands frequently, sneezing and coughing in your elbow, and practicing social distancing. Over the next several weeks, we are planning on blogging about how to make your website more business friendly. We will have some tutorials on our favorite plugins and features, which will make your site more efficient.
Success is measured in so many different vacuums. Success for some deals with the amount in your bank account. Success can mean peace of mind. Success might be measured by the ability to help your fellow man. However to me, success is having peace of mind. Having the ability to grow spiritually, creating a comfortable lifestyle for my family, and giving back to my fellow man…while doing what I love to do on a daily basis.
My five rules for success centers around (the ability to) Writing Goals, Never Accepting Failure, Creating (and being able to tinker with) a Process, Preservation (the good and bad days…for they are going to come), and Being Confident and Consistent (on a daily basis).
Writing Goals
Being a huge believer in writing goals down for daily, weekly, monthly and annual time frames, this is the first and easiest rule for success. It stems from accountability. How can you know if your growing with out having goals to measure what you have accomplished? Using index cards to write down weekly and daily goals, while also using Asana for all my projects, is a simple way to measure proposal goals vs. accomplished task.
Never Accepting Failure
News flash, we all will witness failure. Having been in business for over ten years, I have had to witness fail projects (which I felt were headed down the road to success). Failure comes with living. We all have to deal with failure. Most of my failure stem from being disappointment. Disappointment in a client’ s lack of vision. Disappointment in poorly constructed process. Disappointment in lack of communication between two parties, or the lack of listening to each other. But because you witness failures is no mean that you have to accepted it. Write down ways which you could have create a better environment, how to not allow yourself to get into a similar position, and move forward. Just NEVER ACCEPT FAILURE as your destiny!!!
Creating a Process
Having a process to complete task is so important to your success, without a process you are doomed for failure. Be willing to tinker with your process, I am working on modifying my design process. The stages will continue…however, I am seeing some communication issues with one of my steps. Listening to my clients, and understanding their concerns…I have a few new process which have been put in place.
Process are so important. Would you believe me, if I told you about my process to create blog post. YES!!! I have a process. Typically, I will brainstorm an ideal. Write down a few good points. Next I will look for a feature image. Then I will either put on some Neo Soul or Jazz. Lastly my masterpiece will be created.
Many times while chatting with a neophyte (someone new in the creative field), I will share some free advice. “Nothing was built in one day”. You have to preserve. You are going to have some good days. You are going to have some bad days. You have to learn to balance your good and bad days. Not getting too high on the securing of a huge project, or feeling low about being fired (or firing a client) is so important.
My agency is still growing. My agency is still pushing forward. My agency is still taking risk. There is something about training the mind to accept hardships, while moving forward … really is the different from a successful and unsuccessful person.
Being Confident and Consistent
No one should have the ability to make you happy or sad. You control your own destiny. Being confident is not an option. Confident comes from working hard, studying your craft, listening to more experience people, and putting yourself in position to succeed.
So how do you get confident? Consistently working on your craft. Asking questions from experience people or expert? Listening (sometimes we all have to be the student) and always working on your craft.
Image courtesy of Bruce Mars.

JDS WebDesign is a Web Design and Brand Marketing Agency located in Marietta, Georgia. We create AWESOME on line presence for Start-ups and Influential People/Organizations. To learn more about us or how we can help you and your organization, you can contact us or schedule a meeting.
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