If you follow my blog, then you know that I’m a goal driven individual.

I write down goals on a weekly basis (on Monday … with white index cards) and daily (using color index cards).  These goals help me stay focus on the task.  This was a very odd year for me.  From a financial stand point, I had one of my best years.  I was able to attend four (4) WordCamps (Atlanta, Asheville, Pittsburgh, and US).  I was suppose to attend Birmingham, but because of health reason…I could not.  I have gained a few friendships with designer, developers, business owners, and some other geeks.

However, this was not one of my best years from a business standpoint.  Balance is very important to me!  Balance in my work life.  Balance in my family life.  Balance in my spiritual life. Being a huge believer in rewarding yourself, I generally will reward myself after each launch.  You can find me on the greens (golf course) or reading something.  Earlier this year, I was apart of a book club.  It fizzled out.  You can not make folks read, but for me to read only a couple of books this year…it not balance.

Lower Back Surgery!

I have a build in excuse.  Early this year, I woke up with a sore back.  I went to my chiropractor (got treatment).  It did not work.  I had some x-rays. It showed no structure issues.  I went to my doctor.  I was diagnosis with Spinal Synopsis.  I had an MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging).  I was sent to back specialist.  I had stretching back treatment done.  I had physical therapy performed. I had an epidural shot in my lower back. Nothing work!!! Finally after seven (7) months, I had lower back surgery.  I am pain free, but not completely out of the woods.

While I acknowledge my pain, it is not an excuse for my lacking of reading and growing.  Balance!!!  I found time to create some fantastic projects.  I found time to visit some wonderful WordCamps.  I even drove to Pittsburgh (ten hours).  I took the family to Mobile for spring break.  I went to several Braves baseball games, Hawks basketball games, Cardinal college football game, and countless high school and travel baseball games.  Date night with my wife did not suffer, hanging with my kids was normal, my commitment to my Faith …but I had no balance in my work.  As I continue on the healing process, a good book is going to be my Christmas gift.  I am going to begin writing reviews once a month.  Some books are going to be web designer basis, others might just be a good book.  I am looking forward to a more balance life in 2018.

If you are looking for a web designer or brand developer, then I am available.  I can be reached at info@jdswebdesign.biz or 678-718-5489.

Image courtesy of Nathan Dumlao.


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